About me
Entrepreneur, Programmer, Writer. Brings ideas to realization.

My experience from multiple years goes from database backend over Java services and application servers up to front-end development. I am familiar with the Agile methods and value the teamwork as much as the coordination of searching a solution as a system architect. As a senior engineer I took care of the stability and qualitiy in the business and I advanced the automation. As an IT leader I had the end-to-end responsibility over ERP, messaging, time tracking system and the label printer.
I write software and texts. I build up CMS systems. From my experience I know frontend, backend and the strengths of various system architectures. I find good solutions for your IT requirements and also accompany their implementation.
As senior ICT-Engineer and architect, I was an essential part of the implementation in the public administration of CMS Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Now our point is to realize the next generation content management systems based on agile software practices.
I worked in the following businesses and acquired know-how: Banks, payments, E-learning, telecommunication, food trade, federal administration.
I prefer openness and transparency to secretiveness and value resposibility more then the blind trust in authorities.
Click the link to see what software interests me: Github repositories.
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