
We advise and program, we do research, software engineering and we write technical documentations. Here you can find our service offer. Everything personally or virtual online.

You pay what you like

You think persistent and your business serves for the good of the whole. Your activities save ressources. You want solutions which are good and fair — then this applies to you: pay what you like..

Is your product idea going to be successful?

I am going to implement your concept until you are able to test it with the targeted group

This creates a basis for your investment decision. If an idea is successful in the internet, can be tested in the internet. With real users, in a real environment. I'm going to triple-test your business plan with a minimum viable product (MVP):

  • Test the feasibility through implementing a part function
  • Checking of the MVP in the internet with the target group
  • Analyzing the tests and show a strategy towards the product

A blueprint includes the solution concept, architecture variants, the implemented software functions as prototype and an evaluation of the measurement results as a basis for decision-making.


Consultation, engineering services and innovative cloud solutions

When it comes to designing rigid processes and data streams in a business to efficient and more flexible ones, it needs a solid engineering and the knowledge of various technologies. The required know-how ranges from the user control through production processes to machine control.

I translate the cool IT-Speak in your language. Your wishes I translate in solutions. We keep an eye on the big picture, without missing out the small details. I accompany you and your organization in the renewing process, even beyond the cloud.

About a technical thing

You need a text. Understandable. In German

I write about this thing on your behalf and pack complex topics into simple images and solid terms.